Women's Club


Mission Statement

To enable the women of Guardian Angels Church to grow together spiritually and socially, and to provide service to the Parish Community.

Who We Are and What We Do

The Guardian Angels Women’s Club (GAWC) is open to any woman registered in the parish, 18 years of age or older. Our goal is to deepen the faith of our members through reflection, prayer and service. 

Events Hosted
  • Fall Festival (Raffle, Bottle Lotto and Sweet Shop)
  • Turkey Bingo
  • Holiday Pie Sales
  • Christmas Boutique and Cookie Sale
  • Morning of Reflection
  • Spring Salad Luncheon
  • Funeral Luncheons
  • Installation of Officers.

Participating is a great way to get to know each other! We understand busy schedules, so you decide how the GAWC fits your schedule.

Where do the fundraising dollars go?  

Funds raised by the GAWC are used throughout the parish. Some examples of this are as follows:

  • $5,000 Painting the historic church
  • $5,000 New ice machine
  • $4,000 Video livestream equipment
  • $1,200 Columbaria garden
  • Two$1,000 scholarships to women for secondary education
  • $1,500 in Fall Festival prizes

Funds are also used to support our members. Flowers are sent when in the hospital, cards for birthdays, pavers to honor members who have left us. There is an annual GAWC Appreciation event free for all participating members.

How do I join the GAWC?  

It’s easy, fill out the membership form. Bring completed form to the Parish Office or put in an envelope marked “Women’s Club” and place it in the collection basket, you can include $5.00 for yearly dues (pay dues online here). We encourage you to attend a meeting to see what Women's Club is all about. 


Call the Parish Office at 651-738-2223 or e-mail our .

Current Activities

Help our Cookie Sale for the Christmas Boutique, click here for opportunities to volunteer.

Our meetings are both in-person and virtually. These are held the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Email to have the Zoom meeting link sent to you.


© 2025 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128