Guardian Angels News

Angels, Saints & Holy Souls

Posted by Deacon Michael Braun on

Last month we celebrated the Solemnity of the Holy Guardian Angels. God has provided Angels as protectors, guides, and messengers between God and humanity. Many might think that angels are a medieval teaching, but the bible is filled with references to angels. Angels are mentioned over 175 times...

We're hiring! Part-time Director of Music

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Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Oakdale, MN is looking for a Part-time Director of Music to provide musical leadership and musicians for parish liturgies including weekend Masses, Holy Days, and sacramental celebrations. Candidate will have significant musical training, including...

The Choirs of Angels

Posted by Deacon Michael Braun on

After our celebration of the Solemnity of the Holy Guardian Angels last Sunday, I was asked some questions about the Choirs of Angels. An angel is a pure, created spirit. They have no body, and their existence does not depend on matter. They differ in nature and grace. According to Sacred...

Fall Festival Craft Sale Update

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The GA Crafters had another great sale at the Fall Festival, and we wish to thank all those who supported us and made this success possible. Thanks go to our wonderful Maintenance Department who always works so hard to get things set up for us.  Likewise, there are several Crafter spouses...

Stewardship Campaign 2024-2025

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We will kick off the 2025 Stewardship Campaign in October with an ask to fill out a pledge card for Sunday envelope donations for calendar year 2025. You will receive a mailing at the end of September that includes a letter from Fr. Joe, a pledge card, and a return envelope. On October...

© 2024 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128