Guardian Angels News

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross: A Profound Celebration of Christ’s Victory

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated on September 14, is a solemn and significant day in the liturgical life of the Catholic Church. This feast commemorates the discovery of the True Cross by Saint Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine, in the fourth century, and honors the dedication of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Above all, it serves as a powerful reminder of the triumph of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross—the instrument of our redemption and the sign of our hope in eternal life.

Historical Origins of the Feast

The origins of this feast are deeply rooted in the early history of the Church. In 326 AD, Saint Helena, during her pilgrimage to the Holy Land, discovered the True Cross in Jerusalem. This momentous event held great significance for the early Christians, who believed it to be the very cross upon which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. In commemoration of this sacred discovery, Emperor Constantine, the first Christian ruler of the Roman Empire, ordered the construction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at the site. This basilica was dedicated on September 13, 335 AD, and the following day, September 14, was set aside as the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Since that time, the Church has celebrated this feast, venerating not only the physical Cross but also the profound spiritual reality it represents. The Cross is exalted because it is through this holy instrument that Christ conquered sin and death, offering salvation to all who believe.

Spiritual Significance of the Cross

The Cross stands at the very heart of the Christian faith. It is not merely a symbol of suffering and death but a sacred emblem of victory and life. Through His death on the Cross, Jesus Christ overcame the powers of darkness, reconciled humanity with God, and opened the gates of heaven. What was once a means of execution has become the throne of Christ the King, the sign of our redemption, and the ultimate expression of God’s infinite love for us.

Our Lord Himself foretold this mystery when He declared, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself" (John 12:32). The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is a liturgical celebration of this divine promise, calling us to contemplate the Cross with faith and reverence, recognizing in it the source of our salvation and the depths of God’s mercy.

The Crucifix in the Sanctuary: A Visible Sign of Christ’s Sacrifice

Given the profound significance of the Cross, it is fitting that a crucifix—a cross bearing the image of Christ crucified—be prominently displayed in the sanctuary of every Catholic church. The crucifix serves as a sacred reminder of the sacrifice that is made present during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Church teaches that the Mass is not a new sacrifice but the unbloody re-presentation of Christ’s one, perfect sacrifice on Calvary. The crucifix in the sanctuary directs our hearts and minds to this sublime mystery, helping us to enter more deeply into the sacred liturgy.

In response to the overwhelming desire expressed by our parish, we have taken the necessary steps to move the crucifix from its current position on the side wall to the center of our sanctuary. We have signed a contract with a skilled contractor to carry out this important task, ensuring that the crucifix will occupy its rightful place at the heart of our worship space. This decision reflects our shared devotion and the centrality of Christ’s sacrifice in the life of the Church. By centering the crucifix, we aim to create a focal point that draws all eyes to the holy mystery of the Cross and invites a deeper participation in the sacred liturgy.

The presence of a centrally located crucifix also underscores the reality of Christ’s Passion and His boundless love for each one of us. As we gather to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the crucifix calls us to unite our own sufferings with those of our Savior, offering them to the Father in union with Christ’s sacrifice. It is a powerful reminder of our call to discipleship, urging us to take up our own crosses daily and follow our Lord (Luke 9:23).

Furthermore, the crucifix stands as a beacon of hope. It assures us that, no matter how heavy our burdens, we do not bear them alone. Christ, who endured the Cross for our sake, walks with us in our trials, offering us His grace and strength.


The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the presence of a crucifix in the sanctuary are profound reminders of the central mysteries of our faith: the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we celebrate this solemn feast, let us renew our commitment to follow Christ, who, through the Cross, has brought us the hope of eternal life. With the forthcoming relocation of our crucifix, let this sacred image, newly centered in our sanctuary, be a constant source of inspiration, drawing us closer to the love of our Savior and strengthening us on our journey toward heaven.



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