Guardian Angels News

Synod School of Discipleship Week 4

Posted by Lukas Steffensmeier on

Go All In

“If you can’t change the friends you’re around, change the friends you’re around.”  I had  a teacher who would often repeat this line in high school. The lesson was simple - you will become like the people you are around, so choose wisely. 

This week’s talk was all about going “All In”. We’ve decided that we no longer want to be just a fan of Jesus, we want to be a true follower. Jesus has called us to Himself, like the first Apostles. Now we are spending time with Jesus and, through this, becoming more like Him. This begins at baptism, where we literally become part  of the body of Christ. But it does not stop there. We are now called to invite others in. Jesus desires to call others through us. From this point, Jeff Cavins promised us a foolproof way to double our parish in five years. The key? Bring one person to Jesus. Invite them. Modern life is boring. We are a people distracted from distraction by distractions. Jesus offers us an adventure and we so thirst for it, like last week’s Gospel of the Woman at the Well. Jesus has shown us the living water, let us show others where the Well is too.

This week’s challenge is based in the reality of the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ transcends time and space, life and death. The saints in heaven are as much a part of the Body of Christ as you and I. Like my high school teacher, I will ask you, who are you spending your time with? Who are your friends? Are they the saints? The saints are praying for us, and we can and should ask for their intercessions. So, this week, find your saint posse and ask for their help each day.

Challenge: Based on your vocation and needs, choose your saintly posse. Each day, talk to your posse as you would a close friend.    

Lukas Steffensmeier



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