Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearls: Suffering is Necessary

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

There are ways of being crucified that do not involve rough wood or heavy nails, but a love beyond our capacity to love, which means a love that has been given to us by God…”  ~ Catherine Doherty  

I am reminded every Lent that suffering – “the many ways of being crucified” - is a necessary and consistent part of life. Does that mean I like it? No, but what is that old saying, “Jesus promised life to the fullest, but he never said it would be easy, only that he would be with us.” or something like that. Everyone goes through cycles of suffering in their lives, unique to themselves and to their situation, why should I be any different?

What is the unique suffering uppermost in your mind at this moment? Lent is a time to reflect on what I am suffering with – even if it is a rather ambiguous suffering, a feeling, hard to put my finger on. Through the practices of prayer, fasting and giving I can focus more intently on where God is in my suffering, where God may be leading me through my suffering, how might I respond in a life-giving way to my suffering. And I am grateful for this time to go inward and finding God’s spiritual guidance and presence with me.

Jesus showed me that even though there will always be suffering, that like Jesus I can persevere through my faith in God and go through my own mini “paschal mysteries” to come out the other side – to Easter and new life. Or maybe I may be called upon to persevere through a chronic suffering of some sort and to find new life, new meaning within the suffering. Either way, there is hope.

Grieving the loss of someone dear to us – whether sudden or after an extended time of caregiving; whether parent, spouse, or child (maybe even miscarried or stillborn) - is a particular “way of being crucified,” or suffering. This Lent, may all those grieving find time to reflect and recognize God’s presence with you, and move through your journey of grief toward new meaning and a new normal for your life, holding onto this particular “love given to us by God,” hopeful that this sacred love will bring us to a new place where we can embrace life again, and recognize God’s love and our potential to love, which may now need a new outlet.

Loving God, thank you for showing me the way to move through times of suffering.

Thank you for guiding your Church to create this season of Lent to offer me the space and tools to look within myself, to find you always with me in times of suffering and always guiding me forward with your love.

~ Amen



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