Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearls: Paschal Mystery

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

"Now when we look at the Paschal Mystery in the context of our religious beliefs and the life of Jesus Christ, we come to a deeper meaning of dying and rising. We learn from Jesus that new life can come from death, that we can find meaning in tough times, that there really is light in the darkness. We learn that all life has this rhythm of dying and rising and that God is with us in good times and in bad.  When we encounter tough times, we have the comfort of knowing that God has “been there, done that” and the power of hope that new life will come from death. Becoming conscious of our own dyings and risings helps us have a greater sense of compassion for others and a greater willingness to reach out.

Think about your own life. What is a dying or rising that you have experienced today, this week, this year? Reflect on that experience in light of the event of Jesus Christ’s passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.”  ~ Loyola Press

Loving God, Thank for putting our own occasional sufferings into perspective, remembering your own suffering in the Passion, and your own death to yourself, and your rising from the dead.

When I recognize your paschal mystery replaying throughout my life, it can highlight your great love for me as well, in my heart at all times – even when they are the darkest.

May I be as strong through my suffering as you were, knowing that you are there with me.~ Amen



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