Guardian Angels News

From Father Joe: Listening Session Feedback

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

Dear parishioners,

I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all of you who actively participated in the recent listening session. Your input regarding the proposed changes in our church has been invaluable.

During these sessions, we focused on three significant proposed changes: the partition  separating the gathering space from the worship space, the relocation of the crucifix from the side wall to the sanctuary, and the removal of the projection screens.

I am grateful for your openness and thoughtful insights, which have deepened our understanding of these potential modifications. As we move forward, your feedback will be carefully considered.

I have been working to compile a summary of the information gathered. This summary will be shared in the Angels News and the bulletin for next weekend. 

 Please continue to keep our parish in your prayers as we discern the best path forward, guided by the Holy Spirit.

In Christ,

Fr. Joe Connelly


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