
"We are a single flock under the care of a single shepherd. There can be no separate Church for persons with disabilities." Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1998.


Are you Wheelchair accessible? Yes. Guardian Angels Parish is accessible to people who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices.

  • Accessible parking spaces are available near the main entrance and the lower level entrance. Automatic door openers are located at both entrances.
  • Main worship space and Historic Church are fully accessible including the altar area and sacristy.
  • 2 wheelchair accessible bathrooms are accessible to the main worship space. Lower level facilities include 1 wheelchair accessible bathroom. Social Hall restrooms include larger stalls with handrails.
  • Social Hall, meeting spaces and classroom area are accessible. Access to Social Hall include a ramp, lift to the kitchen area and handrails.
  • Elevator access to main and lower level facilities.  
  • The parish grounds include paved surfaces in our Prayer Garden, walking paths through the cemetery grounds and the Columbarium.
  •  Parish Food Shelf Garden includes raised beds area specially designed to support gardeners with disabilities.

How do I arrange for an ASL Interpreter? Contact the Parish Office at 651-738-2223.

When is incense used? Incense is primarily used during the holidays and funeral Masses. There is usually an incense free Mass scheduled during each holiday season. Contact the Parish Office at 651-738-2223 for specific dates.

Who can I contact for additional questions? Contact the Parish Office at 651-738-2223.

For all Parish events: To make disability-related accommodations, sign language interpretation or dietary requests, contact the Parish Office at 651-738-2223. ASAP or two weeks prior to the event.

Quick Links and Resources:

Disability and the Catholic Church:

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Sacramental Guidelines (2017) and Pastoral Statements:

National Catholic Partnership on Disability: Promotes and supports full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Church and in society though resources, training and advocacy.

National Catholic Office for the Deaf: Promotes and supports Deaf and Hard of Hearing Catholics in all areas of the Church with resources, training and advocacy.

General information, Support and Advocacy:

Disability HUB MN: Adults with disabilities/self advocacy. Disability Hub MN is a free statewide resource network that helps adults with disabilities solve problems, navigate the system and plan for the future.

Family Means: Families, caregivers and individuals. FamilyMeans is a local non-profit organization which offers a variety of services to families, children, couples and individuals to support and work through challenges during difficult times in their lives.

PACER Center: Parents and Families. PACER Center is a parent training and information center for families of children and youth with all disabilities from birth to young adults.

Community Resource Guide for Adults with Disabilities – Washington Co. (pdf. File.) Updated December 2020 Online access Resource Guide for Seniors and People with Disabilities, family members, caregivers promoting the health, safety, and independence of seniors and people with disabilities living in Washington County.

People should be the subject of relationships not the object of programs. ~Janice Benton


© 2025 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128