Men's Club



    The Men's Club is an organization open to all men of the parish. It sponsors service projects, conducts social and educational meetings, and reflects the spiritual growth of the men of the parish.


    We are a group of Christian men, who volunteer assistance to the parish through many social events, fundraising activities and minor maintenance projects. Members, who are physically unable to work at our events can do sit-down jobs or still be with us in spirit. 


    Bartending Services - throughout the year, members provide bartender services for many events in the Peter O’Neill Hall, such as wedding receptions, anniversaries, birthday parties and fund raisers. The rental money and bartender’s tips become part of the parish’s general fund.

    Christmas Tree and Wreath Sales – each Christmas season, we sell about 300 Christmas trees and 200 wreaths with net income exceeding $5,000. Our local Boy Scout Troop assists with after Mass wreath sales.

    Men’s Club Breakfast – an opportunity for all parish members to gather and meet other parish members. The Men’s Club and other parish members provide the cooking and serving duties.

    Annual Fish Fry - we lead the Fish Fry preparation, cooking and serving efforts for the parish. These are annual events that take place on the 2nd, 4th and 6th Fridays during Lent.

    These are large events and serve about 5,000 meals over the course of the three Fish Fry Fridays.

    Handy Angels – known as “Handy Angels” provide manpower and expertise for numerous maintenance projects that may otherwise not be affordable to Guardian Angels.

    Assist Other Groups – provide assistance to other groups within Guardian Angels, such as, assisting the Women’s Club with their annual Spring Salad Luncheon and Holiday Boutique, and managing the additional seating needed for Easter and Christmas Masses.

    Scholarship Program – Each year the Men’s Club awards two $1,000 college scholarships to deserving young men of the parish.

    Reflection Program – Each year a spiritual and motivating speaker is invited to address those from Guardian Angels and neighboring churches. In past years some of the speakers were: Glenn Caruso the St. Thomas head football coach, Deacon Thom Winninger the renowned inspirational speaker/author, Guy Gruter who spoke about his experience with God as a North Vietnam POW, Archbishop Bernard Hebda, and Matt Birk the former Minnesota Viking football player.

    Man of the Year Award – Given to a deserving member for their contribution to the Men’s Club.

    Men’s Club Sunday – One weekend a year Men’s Club members serve as the choir and fill most of the ministry positions during the masses. “Coffee & Crumbs” are provided after Masses. The purpose is to help parishioners to understand the benefit we bring to the parish.

    Group Fishing Trip – is organized, at member’s expense, in September at a northern MN resort.

    Appreciation Events – Annually, members and their spouses are invited to social appreciation events to celebrate their contributions to the Men’s Club and the parish.


    For more information about becoming a member, please, contact Membership Co-chairmen: Tony Manzara, or Mike Loos.



    Contact  with questions.

    © 2025 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128