Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearls: What I let myself believe...

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

  1. O you of little faith, why did you doubt?  Matthew 14:32
  2. On August 18, it's time to celebrate Never Give Up Day! This special day was created to inspire people around the world to stay positive and persevere despite any challenges… to reflect on our own struggles, recognize our resilience and determination, and remind ourselves that through hard work anything is possible... recognizing each other’s strength!
  3. If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles. – Wayne Dyer

These three pearls of wisdom, though coming from different places, really speak of faith and what it looks like to live out one's faith daily. “Walk by faith & not by sight,” also comes to mind. But that is harder than it sounds. When Peter looked down at the water, he couldn’t seem to remember that Jesus’ power can overcome anything. It looked too scary. He fell back on how he was used to reacting.

I see myself in Peter. I just can’t figure out why “doubting” seems to be my knee-jerk reaction, rather than trusting Jesus to take care of me. When things get tough, why do I worry, fear, struggle to work things out on my own, try to take control myself?  What makes it so hard for me to believe that Jesus has got me, that Jesus will make sure everything turns out just as it is supposed to turn out, and care for me in the process? As Wayne Dyer suggests, I’m only seeing obstacles, not opportunities.  And it all hinges on what I believe, where my faith is.

That’s what drew me to August 18 as international Never Give Up Day. I need a little reminder (constantly) about “staying positive,” and “persevering challenges.” God did create me (and everyone) to be resilient, but somehow I tend to forget that and wallow in the struggle. Yes, I guess I am human. Jesus is here to help, with his Holy Spirit, because he knows that about me, and yet does not judge me. God is constantly encouraging me to lean into Him, trust him, let Him help me – to draw me towards the best me I can possibly offer the world.

And I like how Never Give Up Day encourages us to do the same for one another. Maybe I could write a motivating message down – an inspirational quote or something – that can guide me through my challenges, but could also encourage others. Maybe I could look back on my past successes or achievements, to see how I addressed challenges in the past, and encourage others to also do so, reminding them how resilient they truly are. Reaching out to others who may be struggling, to offer them some support and let them know they are not alone, makes it easier to move forward, rather than stay in the muck – for both of us.  Writing down what I am grateful for, can set my attitude out on the right path. Then I might more easily see God and remember that I need to put my faith in His power – through Him all things are possible, for those who believe.

So here I go, working to let go of my doubts and trust in Jesus to work things out for me according to His will... working toward seeing the good, the possibility, the opportunity in all circumstances, since God is in control... trying to always see the strength in those I encounter, as that is God at work, doing His thing for us… reminding myself constantly – like a mantra – that believing, having faith in God, makes things happen and brings God’s goodness to me and those around me. What I let myself believe determines what will ultimately come about. Do you want to come along with me on this adventure?

Loving God, relieve me of my doubts.

Open my eyes to see opportunities over obstacles, strengths over weaknesses, things to be grateful for over things to fear.

  Holy Spirit, instill in me a Trust in Jesus’ love and power to work in and through and for me, that outshines my own feeling that I need to always be in control of everything myself. 

May I “Never Give Up” as I walk by faith. ~ Amen



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