Peace and Justice Action Ministry Overview

The Peace & Justice Action MinistryPeace  Justice Action Team

The Peace and Justice Action Ministry helps parishioners

  • become AWARE of peace and economic justice issues
  • become more EDUCATED on peace and economic justice issues and view them through our faith's lens of Catholic Social Teaching
  • act for justice in the public arena

Our bulletins and before-Mass slides are the first step in becoming aware of current social justice issues.

Regular events like Coffee and Conversation, Social Justice Movie Nights, and Social Justice Book Clubs, provide parishioners an opportunity for further education, going deeper on issues and discussing them respectfully with others.

Opportunities to act for justice include timely notification of when to call or write legislators, group meetings with legislators, candidate forums and listening sessions, and postcards campaigns. As a member of Bread for the World, we hold an annual “offering of letters Sunday” to support parishioners in advocating members of Congress to improve the federal programs that stave off hunger. As members of the Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC), parishioners join other people of faith from around the state at the annual “day on the hill” to advocate for our brothers and sisters in poverty and crisis. Guardian Angels parishioners have advocated for health care for all, bonding money for affordable housing, increases to the minimum wage, a moratorium on cuts to SNAP (supplemental assistance to needy families), just and comprehensive immigration reform, voting rights, peace in the Holy Land, and reforms to payday lending.

The Peace and Justice Action Ministry works within Guardian Angels, but also collaborates with neighboring parishes. Most recently, this team worked with neighboring parishes to assess the impact of the recent economic crisis on our own community. See the results in the report on the Parish Survey On the Economy.

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