Guardian Angels News

From Father Joe: Worship Space Changes

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

Dear Parishioners,

Greetings in the name of the Lord! I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. As we continue our journey as a parish, I want to take a moment to update you on the proposed changes to our worship space here at Guardian Angels Catholic Church.

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who participated in the listening session and shared their thoughts, ideas, and concerns regarding the potential alterations to our worship space. Your active engagement in this process is a testament to the vibrant and caring parish that we are.

Following the listening session and careful consideration of numerous comments received in person and via email, I am pleased to share that we have identified two changes that have resonated most with our parishioners. The majority expressed a desire to relocate the crucifix and to construct the partition that separates the church from the gathering space. These suggestions have been met with broad support, highlighting our collective commitment to enhancing our worship environment.

However, it is also important to acknowledge that the proposed removal of the projection screens received less favorable feedback from many members of the parish. Your opinions and concerns have been heard and taken to heart. As we move forward, we are dedicated to finding a solution that respects the diverse needs and preferences of our parishioners.

To ensure that we proceed thoughtfully and inclusively, we have decided to enlist the expertise of a skilled designer. This professional will work closely with us to explore the optimal layout that allows us to incorporate the crucifix in a prominent yet respectful manner, all while retaining the functionality of the projection screens that have become an integral part of our worship experience.

To maintain a sense of reverence before the liturgy, we have also made the decision to adjust how we use  the projection screens. Beginning immediately, we will discontinue advertising on the projection screens before Mass and the spoken prayers and responses during the Mass. Instead, we will limit their use to projecting just the hymns and Gloria during Mass. This change is intended to create a more focused and contemplative atmosphere as we prepare our hearts and minds for the sacred celebration of the Eucharist. For your convenience we will add prayer cards in the pews containing the prayers of the Mass (The Creed, the Our Father, etc.) for those who need a visual aid during the liturgy.

This process will allow us to create a sanctuary that honors our rich traditions, while also embracing the tools that technology can offer to enhance our worship and parish engagement. As we navigate these changes, I ask for your continued prayers, support, and patience. Your input remains invaluable to us, and we are committed to keeping you informed every step of the way.

Let us remember that as we adapt our physical space,  our faith remains steadfast and unchanging. Our Guardian Angels continue to watch over us, guiding us through these transitions and inspiring us to grow together in faith, love, and unity.

May God bless you all abundantly.

In Christ,

Father Joe Connelly


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