Guardian Angels News

From Father Joe: Embracing the Gift of Adoration

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

Embracing the Gift of Adoration: A Special Advent Invitation

Dear Beloved Parishioners,

As we joyfully embark on this sacred season of Advent, I am filled with gratitude and excitement to extend a heartfelt invitation to each one of you. Guardian Angel's Catholic Church warmly welcomes you to join us for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a spiritual journey that promises to deepen your connection with our Lord and Savior during this season of anticipation and hope.

Adoration Through the Ages: A Rich Tapestry of Faith

Adoration, the practice of reverently contemplating the Eucharist, has been an integral part of our Catholic tradition for centuries. Rooted in the belief in the real presence of Christ in the consecrated host, this beautiful act of worship allows us to draw near to the divine and find solace in His loving presence.

Our parish has chosen to embrace this ancient tradition, providing two dedicated times for Adoration: Tuesday evenings, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday mornings, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. This intentional offering is an opportunity for our parish to come together, seeking solace and grace in the midst of our busy lives.

Advent: A Time of Preparation and Reflection

As we enter the Advent season, a period of joyful anticipation and spiritual preparation, I encourage each of you to consider spending time in Adoration. Advent is a unique and opportune moment to draw closer to the Lord, reflecting on the profound significance of His coming and preparing our hearts for the celebration of His birth.

What to Do During Adoration: A Guiding Light

For those who may be new to Adoration or uncertain about what to do, fear not. The silence and stillness of Adoration provide a sacred space for personal prayer, reflection, and communion with God. You may choose to bring a Bible, a spiritual book, or simply open your heart in conversation with our Lord. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and be present with an open heart.

Consider meditating on the Scriptures, contemplating the mysteries of the rosary, or expressing your thoughts and concerns in a heartfelt conversation with Jesus. The beauty of Adoration lies in its simplicity and the freedom it provides for personal connection with the divine.

Embrace the Gift of Advent Adoration

This Advent, let us unite as a parish family in this sacred tradition of Adoration. Whether you find solace in the stillness of Tuesday evening or the quietude of Wednesday morning, may this dedicated time deepen your faith, renew your spirit, and prepare your heart for the coming of our Savior.

Let us come together as one, basking in the radiant light of God's love during this Advent season. Your presence and participation will contribute to the rich tapestry of our parish.

May the blessings of Advent fill your hearts with joy, peace, and a renewed sense of purpose.

In Christ,

Father Joe Connelly

Pastor, Guardian Angel's Catholic Church

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